Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sudoku Game: A Worldwide Trend that Tends to Stay Forever

Have you ever heard of the Sudoku game? If you do, then you must be following all the trends that are happening around you. Anyway, who does not know anything about it? The children, youth and the elder know how to play the Sudoku game.

Sudoku game is a new Japanese puzzle game that is taking the entire world by storm. It started as an unknown game but it already conquered Japan on the 80s. Today, there are over a million players who play for it every month on the internet.

For those people who do not know the Sudoku game, it is basically a game of numbers from 1 to 9. You have to start with a 9 x 9 grid which is divided into 9, 3 x 3 boxes.

The first grid should have series of numbers which is scattered in each row and column in random order. There is a technique behind this silly game. First, have to make sure that you have all the numbers from 1 to 9 in every row and/or column. And second, you should not have two same numbers in each 9 x 9 grid.

This may be a bit confusing (as it is a puzzle), but when you see and play the Sudoku game, you will realize that it has a great sense.

Once you begin with a Sudoku game, it is expected that you will find it very difficult to stop. Most players are not at first a great fun of puzzles and crosswords but, the time they started to play for it, they were hooked up by the game. They would even make sure that they have completed the game.

What makes it very addicting is the continuous challenge it give to the players. The pre-planned trial and error matched techniques which depends mainly to the clues you have given make it easier for anyone to win.

Compared to crossword puzzle, the Sudoku game does not require you to know every word found in the dictionary. In addition, this is not as frustrating as the first one since players can always return to the basic level and focus on their speed than completing it.

For the main part, a single Sudoku game can be done from five minutes up to a couple of hours. Actually, it all depends on the level which you have chosen to play. If you chose the difficult level then, probably it will take you hours to solve it. However, the easier level can be completed within 5 minutes to an hour. This means that there is a game for all types of Sudoku game players.

The growth of this worldwide trend is fuelled by its big prizes and rewards that are beginning to rise in the Sudoku events and tournaments in the whole world. The prizes normally range from a few thousand U.S dollars up to a number of hundred dollars. This can be very pleasing if get into the Sudoku game and win it for yourself.

Luckily, since Sudoku game can be very difficult, there is software available to help you with your solution if you get stumbled on the course of the game. What you should do is to set in your solution and try to solve whether it is correct or wrong. This is the best and accurate way to know if you have the correct result or not.

On the other hand, if you are playing the Sudoku game offline (newspaper, magazine or books) what you should do is to get your pen and paper then do the traditional way of solving.

The best thing about playing a Sudoku game is that it gives a fair playing ground for everybody. A five year-old kid, a 65 year-old elder, a Math major professor and a person who do not know how to speak English can play for it and win at the end.

As a conclusion, the craze for the Sudoku game will stay forever. This is not just simple trend that will vanish after three to six months. Many people learn to love it and for sure they want to keep playing for it for the rest of their life.

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