Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sudoku Solvers: Mastering an Addicting Number Puzzle Game

Have you ever tried playing Sudoku?

Did you solve it all by yourself or did you just put down the pen and the puzzle, and then just left? Why can’t some people solve it? Its not that Sudoku is just for people who are adept in math, some are just more skilled with this addicting puzzle game. For those having a hard time solving Sudoku puzzles or are just newbies, they can make use of a special program that can solve the puzzle for them, this are called Sudoku solvers.

Sudoku, a number puzzle that is widely popular in the world, mainly in Japan and in the United States, is commonly known as a number place in which it’s a logic-based placement puzzle where you can enter the digits 1 to 9 in each cell of a 9x9 grid and made up of 3x3 subgrids or sometimes called regions.

To start playing, you are given numerals in certain cells that you can use as your clues. Your goal is to fill all the blank cells with a digit each, so each row, column, and regions contains the numbers 1 to 9 for only once. Each numeral occurs only once in each different direction, hence the “single number” method is implied to the puzzle’s identity.

Difficulty ratings of Sudoku are published in papers, which can be downloaded in computers like a handy electronic sudoku game. Online sites can be ranked according to the number of “givens” placed in the cells. However, sometimes it has little effect or bearing on the puzzle’s difficulty. A puzzle with a minimum number of givens may actually be easy to solve while a puzzle with more than the average number of givens can be very hard to solve, the difficulty rating will depend on the relevance and positioning of the “givens” rather than on how many numbers are placed in the cells.

For in a Sudoku game, it can be solved either by logic or by help of computers. Many online sites offer games that can be solved automatically when you click on solvers. Sudoku solvers are strategies and approaches on how you can solve the puzzle game.

Think of the 9x9 grids and 3x3 subgrids. Think of the many possibilities where the “givens” are placed. With a very difficult rating, you will finish the game in hours, in days, or even in weeks. With hundreds of billions of number combination in the grid, you’ll need a Sudoku solver. But where can you find solvers?

It’s much better if you play Sudoku in a computer than in published in papers. Sudoku in papers can take a long time for you for you to solve the game, while Sudoku game in your computer or in a website can enable you to strategize much better with different options and approaches of solutions. Whereas, when the puzzle game is in a computer, Sudoku solvers can be downloaded in many versions from your preferred sudoku sites. The best thing about downloading solvers is it doesn’t only produce solutions, it can also be emailed to multiple recipients.

In downloading your Sudoku solver version, you must be familiar on how it works because in most download websites, many solver versions are accompanied with a charge of a corresponding amount for you to download it or use it. For beginners who want their solvers, there are a lot of available free but older versions. Sometimes it cannot accommodate the different kind of solutions for new Sudoku puzzles.

There are lots of varieties of Sudoku solvers out in the World Wide Web, but you must find versions that are designed to make the solutions faster and easier. Your Sudoku solvers must provide the following capabilities:

• Integrates help, which includes all the explanations regarding the rules for solving the number puzzle.
• Input capability must be enhanced.
• Improved screen appearance
• Can save and load the puzzles with its solutions.
• Can scan for input data errors.
• Quick solution times
• Can identify malformed puzzles
• With complete training mode for step-by-step solutions with corresponding commentaries.
• Can maintain multiple email templates.
• Full manual with rule explanations.

So, for sudoku solvers, it will help you to find the appropriate and proper solutions wherein you can really determine how the problem can be solved. Sudoku solvers will show different ideas in such a way that when you play again with another kind of “givens”, and you will learn and know where to start.

If you have difficulty in solving a particular Sudoku puzzle, download a Sudoku solver for you to better understand the logic and the strategy behind the puzzle.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Be a Sudoku solver and Exercise your brains

Are you familiar with the Rubik’s Cube? Have you mastered it already? If you are one of the persons who are engrossed in playing puzzles like the Rubik’s Cube, then you may get hooked on Sudoku.

This is a huge challenge to puzzle solvers and it is one of the most fantastic games ever created. Being a sudoku solver is one of the things you can be very proud of. Well, what is Sudoku? It is a number placement brainteaser that necessitates skills in logic. But not only that, patience is also a requirement for you to be able to withstand the challenge.

There are many people nowadays who are enjoying and who are curved by this marvelous puzzle. It can be found in newspapers, websites and in some books. So how is it played? It generally consists of a series of grids. The grid has one big 9 x 9 grid that shelters nine smaller grids that are 3 x 3 in size.

The main objective of the game is to place a number from 1-9 in each of the grid cells. But you do not have to sum up the numbers or perform other mathematical operations just like the Magic Squares.

However, there are conditions that must be followed. Each number from 1-9 must only appear once in every column and once also in every row and once in each small 3 x 3 grid. Sodoku is more likely a derivation of the Latin Squares.

The Latin Square has been created by Leonard Euler, a renowned mathematician. Fundamentally, a Latin Square has a n x n table packed with letters, numbers, or symbols. And each symbol can only emerge closely once in each row and precisely once in each column. Sudoku puzzles are therefore a modified Latin Square and is developed one step further with the smaller grid limits. It increases the difficulty of the puzzle by the detail that you have to make sure that each small 3 x 3 grid has each number 1-9 only once.

Moreover, Sudoku puzzles are in a wide range of complexity and difficulty. The quantity of numbers given originally in the 9 x 9 matrix alters. You might think that having more numbers given at the beginning would make the puzzle easier. But in contrast, this is not always applicable because the positioning of the numbers has a great consequence on the intricacy of the puzzle game.

Sudoku is the Japanese word meaning “placement puzzle”. It became popular in Japan in the 1980’s. but before that, there was a puzzle maker in the United States by the name of Howard Garnes who created the very first puzzle which is similar to it. It was formerly called “number place” as an alternative of Sodoku. After that, it was published and featured in Logic problems and math puzzles.

So how can you actually become a sodoku solver? You must have patience and logical abilities to solve the puzzle in no time. The trial and error method is not a good technique in this game. Different persons have various techniques as well as strategies to solve this puzzle game.

Some create their own methods and share it to other Sodoku players around the world. And they communicate through the web. They are many sites online and you can be active in their forums and know more on how to solve it.

Basically, you can begin at any place in the puzzle. But according to many, it is better to start focusing on the top three smaller grids. Then look at the preliminary numbers and start with the number 1.

After that, check if a number 1 appears in the other two smaller grids. Next, locate cells in these minor grids where you can probably place a number 1 while still following the necessary conditions.

Furthermore, you will also have to take into thought 3 x 3 grids that are connected to the specified grid. Sudoku is a very brainy puzzle game that will occasionally make you feel like you are going nowhere.

However, it is good that you practice on various puzzles to make you discover some techniques and methods to efficiently solve the puzzle immediately. A Sodoku solver will continue to work on his strategies to become better.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What’s In with Sudoku Shack?

Many people are asking “What’s so interesting about the Sudoku game?” Imagine, this is simply a logic game in a form of puzzle but it has vastly gained popularity.

This is a game for people who find satisfaction every time they use their logic in playing. Sudoku is incomparable to other forms of puzzle game because it is not only an interesting pastime for anyone but as well as being brain draining. You enjoy the game at the same time you learn and exercise your mind.

Moreover, according to surveys there are two main reasons why people became inclined in playing Sudoku. First, it is challenging because it can be played from ridiculously easy to fiendishly difficult levels. Secondly, it is only composed of the numeral digits from 1 to 9 so it won’t require you to do any mathematical solutions. You just need to use your logical skill.

Typically, for beginners, they follow a few pointers in playing Sudoku not to win the puzzle game easily but to learn more techniques. In Sudoku, one must resist the temptation of guessing because it will not help at all times. Rather, a player should always utilize his logic.

Besides the excitement brought by a Sudoku game for the enthusiasts, they are also patronizing products that feature various Sudoku stuff. Some are the SudokuShack shirts and caps that are made from the United States. Other products can be purchased in the leading stores in your place while you can also have your shopping online.

Sudoku game is not only available in your magazines and printed materials it is likewise accessible online. Sudoku shack for instance is one of the websites offering everything about the puzzle game. It serves as a Sudoku solver or you can also download your Sudoku games here.

Both teens and adults are getting pleasure in playing Sudoku. It offers simple rules that can easily be learned by beginners. With a simple roll or click on your mouse, you can reveal the solution that you need most.

Another interesting fact about playing the puzzle game in Sudoku shack is that it provides Sudoku tutorials. This is especially designed for people who are just starting to explore the game. This is one way to ensure that they are keeping track of the basic rules and strategies they need to learn about the Sudoku game.

Sudoku game usually lasts for 10 to 30 minutes. It depends on the speed and the capability of the player. Typically, if you are a beginner it will take you quite a longer time but if you are an experienced Sudoku player you can finish the game even beyond the allotted time.

Sudoku Shack is also uploaded with the latest features of Sudoku games that will surely provide the player with more challenging puzzle games. One is the Super Sudoku that is considered as a new version of Sudoku. It is different from the archetypal Sudoku because it uses the computer number based hexadecimal using letters instead of numbers.

Along with Sudoku games that can be seen on the website are varieties of puzzle games such as the Crystal Power and the Brick Shooter. Those are both puzzle games but these differ in the manner of playing.

Sudoku is a known game not only for people who has the capacity to think and move fast but it is for everybody who enjoys puzzle game and taking their most precious time in doing them. This is indeed a game for children and even up to the grand masters.

More and more subscribers are patronizing Sudoku Shack because of the favorable services they offer for the players of Sudoku puzzle. The players’ cannot ask for more once they are subscribed to the website because they can already find there everything from the problem to the solution. They do not have a hard time anymore in searching for a solver.

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to experience fun in playing the Sudoku game, you can always visit Sudoku Shack. This is a home for all your inquiries about Sudoku game. This is where you can begin your passion for becoming a Sudoku enthusiast. Whether you are just a beginner or an experienced player, Sudoku Shack is there.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sudoku Solutions: Helpful for Some, Boring for Others

Many players of the Sudoku find this puzzle game very difficult to solve. However, because of the clever minds of most players, they have created techniques, strategies and solutions to make the game simple.

The following are some of those solutions the players have made in solving any levels of the Sudoku puzzle game.

1. Scanning

This solution is executed at the start and all throughout the game. Scans should be done for many times in the middle of studying the puzzle. There are actually two basic techniques involved in scanning they are:

• Cross-hatching – This is scanning of rows and columns to know which line holds a numbers that should be removed. The process is repeated in rows and columns. For an accurate result, the numbers should be scanned based on their frequency. It is very necessary to do this process in order to check all the 1 to 9 numbers.

• Counting – This technique is performed to know what the missing numbers are. In order to have a fast result, counting should be done based on the last number revealed.

While the scanning is performed, advanced solvers are searching for possibilities. They do it by narrowing the location of each number in a row or column.

Most challenging puzzle games have many possibilities that need to be discovered. These possibilities might be in many directions or intersections. The puzzles that need only the solution for scanning in order to be solved are categorized as the easy puzzle. On the contrary, difficult puzzle can also be solved by using scanning but still, it requires the discovery of possibilities.

2. Marking Up

Scanning is usually stopped when there are no numbers that can be detected. From this, it is important to use some logical analysis. Most players find it helpful to lead the analysis by marking up the possible numbers in the empty boxes. There are two famous notations in marking up, they are:

• Subscript – The possible numbers are written in subscript in the box. The disadvantage to this is that Sudoku puzzle found in newspapers or magazines are normally too small to contain the subscripts. Therefore, it is suggested that if you are going to use this notation, you should make a bigger copy of the puzzle or use a finely pointed pencil.

• Dots – the advantage of this is that it can be used on original puzzles. When using the notation, you need to have dexterity in order to put the dots. Misplaced or unintended dots may lead the player to confusion.

3. Analyzing

The following are the two basic approaches for analyzing:

• Elimination – This is the way of eliminating possible numbers from one box or more to have only one option. After getting each answer, it would be good to perform another scan. This is made to know the effect of the last number placed in. There are several elimination tactics. The commonly used among these tactics is the unmatched candidate removal. Boxes with similar sets of possible numbers are a match if the number of the possible numbers is equal to the numbers of boxes having them.

• What if – In this approach, a box containing only two possible numbers is chosen and a guess is completed. The steps already mentioned are repeated except if a same number is found in the same box. If duplication happens, the alternative candidate number is the solution. In logical expressions, this is what called as the reduction ad absurdum. This kind of approach requires a pencil and an eraser. Logical perfectionist may frown about this approach because of its many trial and error test. However, this approach can draw out solutions faster.

It is not necessary to combine techniques in order to solve the Sudoku. These may prevent the drawbacks of the above solutions, which for most players can be very uninteresting. The counting of the rows and columns can also bore the seasoned Sudoku players. Writing down the possible numbers in an empty box can also consume more time. In addition, the what-if approach can be very puzzling unless the players know how to organize.

The best solution for solving the Sudoku is to search for techniques that do not require more counting, marking out and analyzing.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rules in Playing Sudoku

If you’re fond of playing puzzles, solving math problems, and think logic reasoning you can actually combine them all in playing the Sudoku puzzle.

For you to know, sudoku was first seen in a magazine published in New York in the late 70’s by specialist puzzle publisher Dell Magazines under the name of Number Place. “Su” means number in Japanese, and “doku” means the single place on the puzzle board so that each numeral can be fitted into. Although its name sounds like Japanese, its origins came from Europe and America in which the game shows the very best in thinking and reasoning. Sudoku initially caught Japan in 1986 and gained international prominence in 2005. Unlike many other games that were known within the span of time, nothing can beat Sudoku’s challenge.

Sudoku, commonly known as the Number Place, is a logic type placement puzzle. The aim of the puzzle is to place numerical digits from 1 to 9 in each cell of a 9x9 grids that is made up of 3x3 subgrids or regions. To start playing the game, you are given in some empty cells numerals which are called “givens”. The goal of the puzzle is to put the numbers 1-9 to which it must contain only once in each subgrids, rows, and columns.

Basic rules

Rules in playing the game are very simple:

• Sudoku is played over a 9x9 grid, divided in 3x3 subgrid.
• Begins the play with some given numerals from 1-9 that are placed in grid cells.
• A number can only appear once on each row.
• A numeral can only appear once on each column.
• Digit can only appear once on each region.

Now you finally know the basic rules in playing the game, but you’re really just starting the process of making solutions to how finish the game. There are some solutions methods that can help you and these are:

• Scanning- it can be performed from the very beginning and throughout the solution process. Scanning basically has two techniques, first the cross-hatching. Cross-hatching technique can identify which line in a particular region may contain a digit that can be eliminated. The second is counting the region, columns and rows in identifying missing numbers. Counting based upon the last digit discovered may actually speed up the corresponding search.

• Marking Up- the candidate numbers are simply written in subscript in the cell. The disadvantage of this is that some first puzzles are printed in magazines and newspapers which are usually small to accommodate many preferred numbers. Unlike to some newly designed Sudoku game board, all inputs are done electronically. You can also use a pattern of dots within the cell, wherein the position of the dot corresponds a number from 1-9. Dot notation can be an advantage to a sudoku that is printed in paper. In playing sudoku in print, using a sharp pencil with an eraser is highly recommended.

• By Analysis- you can approach the game by either “candidate elimination or “what if”. In candidate elimination, numerals from one or more cells are eliminated and leaving just one choice. After each answer is placed, another scan can be done. You can check to see the effect of the contingencies. In “what if” approach, a cell can be placed with two candidate numbers then a guess should be made.

Difficulty ratings

Published Sudoku puzzles are ranked depending of rate of difficulty. For you to understand, the numbers that are given has nothing to do on a puzzle’s difficulty. A sudoku puzzle with less number of givens may be very easy for you to solve. A sudoku puzzle with more number of givens can still be very difficult for you to solve as the difficulty rate of the puzzle depends on the relevance and positioning of the given numerals rather than the number of given placed in the grids.

Computer solvers find the range of difficulties for a human to find a certain solution, based on the complexity of the techniques needed. For in this kind of estimation allows publishers to take Sudoku puzzles to be very demanding. Some sort of publications rate their Sudoku puzzles into four levels are “easy”, “intermediate”, “hard”, and “challenging” are set.

So, by playing the “fastest growing puzzle in the world”, you can be sure to challenge your way of thinking and have fun in the process.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tricks and Tips for Sudoku Puzzle

Sudoku puzzle is available in all forms of media, like in newspapers, magazines, books and in the internet world. This is how fast Sudoku achieves its popularity for a short period of time.

It is a fact that from the time that the game came into existence, Sudoku became vastly well-known to people in all walks of life. Even the history of Sudoku can tell that most of the individuals with a high rank in the ancient hierarchy of the society were hooked to the pleasure of playing Sudoku.

What makes people so fond about Sudoku? Is it really different from all other types of puzzle games?

Sudoku puzzle according to the expert players of the game does not involve any mathematical concept. Yes, there is of course the use of numbers but you will not utilize any operation. Simply, you are going to solve the puzzle with the use of your reasoning skill and your logical way of thinking. Isn’t it challenging?

The three words people use to describe the game are fun, challenging and addictive. Remember the time that play station and some computer games were introduced, you see how people respond to its demand because both the young individuals and the professionals enjoy the pleasure of the game. With Sudoku, you will exactly feel the same.

Typically, Sudoku puzzle will take you to thirty minutes for you to solve the game and that is already the maximum time. However, if you are just beginner with Sudoku puzzle, you cannot expect yourself to finish that game within the given period. There are times that it will take you an hour in solving the problem.

There are four important pointers that you need to put in your mind when you try Sudoku puzzle. If you will follow the said tips, rest assured that you will totally enjoy the game. This is most particularly for starters who is aiming for winning Sudoku puzzle with their first attempt.

1. Getting started.

It is just natural for a beginner to commit some faults. In all kinds of games, there is no proper or wrong move for a starter. Nevertheless, as much as possible if you can hit the right one then better do so because it will help you to end up winning. As you play the game, you will find that you will understand the concept behind it and how it is played.

Be sure that you always consider every move that you take. All the columns and the rows are treated as important factors of the puzzle. You should not be bothered if the numbers started to rumble, always be optimistic that there is always a way for you to arrange the number into its proper places.

Just learn to focus on each of the numbers that you are moving because your turn on the right will affect the number on the left. On the other hand when you move upward, it will have an effect on the number downward.

2. Make progress

After being able to learn gradually your initial mistakes during your first attempt, this is now the right time for you to correct the false moves that you have committed. Notice that the ordering of every number in the boxes is very important. Likewise, arranging it orderly is a factor. Seeing that there are only three boxes left, do not be too much confident because it serves no guarantee that you will now win the game. Your focus is still a very vital aspect that you have to bear in mind.

3. Reaching out.

On the third pointer, you are now nearly approaching your goal. Almost all of the boxes are filled in and only few numbers are also not on its proper order. This is now the point that you need to make an extra effort, because one false move can disrupt the entire cells. The interaction and interplay that will take place are endless. So, as you go with the flow of the game you will discover the right things for you to do.

4. Take your success where you can.

In Sudoku, it does not matter where you start as long as you know where you are supposed to end. You will be the one to determine your success.

Remember that playing sudoku has no time pressure at all. Make use of your brain and you will surely win it. Besides, it is a puzzle and it’s supposed to stimulate your brain. What’s the point of being a puzzle if it’s too easy to solve.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The History of the Sudoku Number Puzzle Game

Sudoku is one of the most addictive number puzzle games to hit the puzzle world. Millions of people from all walks of like have caught up with the Sudoku puzzle game in every form and version that exists today. People can play this by themselves, or against another person in a timed game.

So you have to ask… what is this Sudoku game anyway?

Sudoku was invented in 1979 by a 74–year old retired architect named Howard Garnes, who was also a freelance puzzle maker. It was a puzzle that had a grid that was partially filled with numbers. The solver had to fill in the rest of the squares with the right combination of numbers. The game first appeared on the New York publication Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games under the name Number Place.

Number Place was introduced in Japan in April 1984 by the Nikoli company in its paper, the Monthly Nikolist. Kaji Maki, Nikoli’s president, named the game “Suuji wa dokushin ni kagiru”, meaning the number must be single, or the number must occur only once. Later, the name was abbreviated to Sudoku. In 1986, two innovations to the game were introduced by Nikoli:
a) a maximum of 32 numbers will be given in each puzzle; and
b) the numbers were distributed in rotationally balanced squares.

These innovations made Sudoku very popular with puzzle solvers. Though Sudoku is currently published in almost all mainstream publications in Japan, like the Asahi Shimbun, Nikoli has the copyright to the name Sudoku.

Due to the similarity of the logic behind Sudoku and the legendary Rubik’s Cube, Sudoku was dubbed as “The 21st Century Rubik’s Cube”.

The first computer version of Sudoku was Digit Hunt, created by Loadstar/Softdisk Publishing and released on the Commodore 64 console platform in 1989.

Another running version that still exists is Single Number, which was created by Yoshimitsu Kanai. Single Number is a computerized puzzle generator that first appeared in 1995 for the Apple Macintosh PC platform. A PDA version appeared in 1996, and the most recent version for the Mac OS–X appeared just last 2005.

Dell Magazines still publishes Number Place. But it has added two new Sudoku magazines, Original Sudoku, which highlights the original version of Number Place, and Extreme Sudoku, which is a more difficult version of the original game. Kappa publications prints the Nikoli Sudoku as Squared Away in GAMES Magazine. Various American newspapers like The Boston Globe, The Examiner, The New York Post, and USA Today also print daily puzzles of Squared Away.

Though Sudoku was very popular in Japan and the USA before, Europe virtually had no idea that the game existed. But thanks to a retired Hong Kong judge, Wayne Gould, Europe would also catch the Sudoku fever.

Gould saw a partially completed Sudoku puzzle in a Japanese bookstore in 1997. He bought the book, and created a computer program that could generate puzzles quickly and easily, developing it over 6 years in Pappocom, his software company. Then, he promoted Sudoku to the British newspaper, The Times, with knowledge regarding its history of publishing puzzles. On November 12, 2004, the first Su Doku puzzle was introduced to the Britons. Pappocom’s puzzles are being printed daily by The Times since that day.

Various British versions of Sudoku then started popping up. There was Codenumber, The Daily Mail’s version, which was derived from Michael Mepham’s puzzles, and first printed on January 19, 2005. 5 Sudoku puzzles were first printed by The Daily Telegraph of Sydney last May 20, 2005. And when the British Telegraph introduced Sudoku daily on its front pages, starting last February 23, 2005, other British newspapers started to take real interest in the game. Due to the popularity of the game, The Times published the first Sudoku book to gain its edge over competitors. Due to its popularity, Sudoku was dubbed as 2005’s "fastest growing puzzle in the world".

Sudoku conquered not only the print media, but also broadcast and electronic media! Channel 4 introduced the first TV Sudoku game last July 2005 when it included daily Sudoku puzzles in its Teletext service. The Radio Times, BBC’s program guide, started featuring Super Sudoku, a weekly puzzle game last August 2, 2005. Dutch mobile phone company Mobile Excellence International also released the first mobile phone version of Sudoku last September 2005 in Europe.

Sky One also produced the first Sudoku TV show, Sudoku Live, which started airing last July 1, 2005. Hosted by Carol Vorderman, Sudoku Live featured 9 teams composed of 9 players per team, representing different geographical regions, that had to solve the show’s puzzle. Each team had a celebrity member and 8 ordinary citizens. While the studio version was being played, home viewers had their own interactive version to play with.

CBS started the broadcasting stories regarding Sudoku, including on the Early Show last summer 2005, and on the CBS Evening News last October 26, 2005.

The US TV series HOUSE M.D. also showed Dr. House solving a Sudoku puzzle during the December 13, 2005 episode. Due to its addictive nature, Sudoku was banned on the set due to the cast constantly playing it.

Now, the Internet is teeming with millions of Sudoku versions, both online and offline, free and purchasable. With the billions of unique puzzles generated by computer programs, 2 to 4 websites will not bore a Sudoku addict for a quite a long time.

Who could’ve thought that a simple number puzzle on paper in 1979 would conquer the world like the common cold?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Facts you Need to Know about Having a Printable Sudoku

Sudoku is really the puzzle game that is meant for those individuals who want to play with numbers and logic. Given puzzles with varying difficult level, you might spend the whole day assigning the numbers 1 to 9 in the grid or you may extend your solving activity the next day. You need to have enough patience or else the Sudoku puzzle will make you go nuts.

A typical Sudoku puzzle game is composed of 81 cells which is the product of 9 rows and 9 columns. Furthermore, the puzzle is also divided into 9 sub-grids which contain 3 x 3 cells for each sub-grid. The rule is very simple. At the start of the game, 30 or more cells are initially filled up with the numbers from 1 to 9 (initially filled-up cells varies according to the difficulty level of the puzzle).

All you have to do is to fill up the remaining cells with numbers 1 to 9 to complete the puzzle. However, you need to satisfy the rule that “all numbers should only appear on each column, row, and sub-grid”. For instance, if you place the number 8 on the 4th row and 2nd column of the puzzle, such number should not appear again on that particular row and column. At the same manner, such number should not also appear twice on the sub-grid it is assigned to. Such rule makes the puzzle take some time to be completed.

So how can you access Sudoku puzzles? You can get it only weekend editions of some newspapers and magazines in your locality. If it does not satisfy you, you can surf the Internet and look out for the sites which offers free online play on their Sudoku puzzles.

However, since it will take time solving a single Sudoku puzzle especially if you are just a beginner, it is quite impractical that you do your problem-solving activity in front of your personal computer. In addition, you also want to play the Sudoku game even there is no Internet connectivity or you are outside of your house. In this case, all you need is a printable Sudoku puzzle.

So how can you have a printable Sudoku puzzle? There are thousands of websites which offer free printable Sudoku puzzle. All you have to do is to locate them through search engines and presto! You will be revealed to related sites on Sudoku. Select one, and download a Sudoku puzzle of your choice. After downloading the selected puzzle from the site to your personal computer, you can now print it to produce hard copy of your Sudoku puzzle.

Most of downloadable Sudoku puzzle in these sites are on PDF format so it is important that you have an Acrobat Reader to display the puzzle correctly. In case you do not have an Acrobat Reader, you can download one for free in the Internet.

In case downloading is not your choice yet you want to have free copy of your Sudoku puzzle, there are daily syndication available on several Sudoku websites. All you have to do is to subscribe to those sites free of charge, and they will be sending straight to your e-mail inbox their Sudoku puzzle for the day.

However, they will just be sending you the puzzle for that certain day. In case you want to have more Sudoku puzzles send to you, just visit the Archive section and select the puzzle you want send on your e-mail. After retrieving its contents from your e-mail, you can print it and have the hard copy of your Sudoku puzzle.

Printable Sudoku is relatively advantageous compared to online Sudoku puzzles. Since it is now in hard copy, you can now bring it anywhere you want. You do not have to bring your laptop or have an Internet connectivity just to play Sudoku. You can also produce more hard copies for each of the family members so that all of you will enjoy completing the Sudoku puzzle with fun and teamwork as well.

Have your Sudoku puzzle printed and let everybody learn the game. Not only all of you will have fun, but your patience and problem-solving techniques will develop. Enjoy playing your printed Sudoku puzzle!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Print a Sudoku Puzzle: Test your Logic and Number Skills

Have passion in playing logic and numbers? Maybe you are now an expert when it comes to Rubik’s cube or the magic square. But have you already tested your logic and number skills in a Sudoku game? Whether you are unfamiliar with this game or you have already spent 2 days solving a single Sudoku puzzle, then this article is just right for you.

About Sudoku

Also known as Number Place, Sudoku is a logic-based placement puzzle. The puzzle is composed of a 9 x 9 grid which is further divided into nine 3 x 3 sub-grids or also known as regions. Before you start completing the puzzle, you are given some cells that are initially filled up with numbers from 1 to 9 (number of cells initially filled-up depends on the difficulty level of the puzzle).

The main objective of this game is to completely fill-up all the remaining vacant cells with the numbers 1 to 9 provided that you adhere to the “single number per direction” rule of the game. That is, every column, row, and sub-grid (which is referred to as the direction) must contain only one instance of each number. For instance, you have an initially-placed number 5 at the 5th column and on the 7th row of the puzzle. Such number must only appear once on that particular column and row. Furthermore, it must also appear only once on its assigned sub-grid or region.

Print a Sudoku

Because of the complexity of the “single number per direction” rule of Sudoku, many beginners are having a hard time completing it in matter of a single day. That is why most Sudoku beginners are encouraged to have a hard copy of a Sudoku puzzle so that they can spend more time solving it without actually logging on their personal computer.

Even easy puzzles are difficult to complete, so it would be impractical if you will be solving it in front of your computer especially if you are playing a Sudoku puzzle online. A printed Sudoku puzzle is advisable for Sudoku players especially for beginners.

All you have to do is to locate Sudoku sites that offer printable Sudoku puzzles through search engines. Download it in your personal computer. After download, you can now print and produce more copies so that other family members can get involve in solving Sudoku puzzles.

Most of downloadable Sudoku puzzles are on PDF format. Your computer must have an Acrobat Reader software in order to display it correctly. In case you do not have an Acrobat Reader, you can download it for free on the Internet.

Here are some of the common versions of Sudoku puzzles which you can download from the Internet and print in your personal computer.

• Classic Sudoku- this is the regular Sudoku puzzle that is described earlier in this article. It features varying levels of complexity that will attest your patience and determination in completing it. You can also have the strategies and hints as well as the solution to be downloaded and printed for immediate reference.

• Monster Sudoku- it is quite different from the classic Sudoku game. It is made up of a 16 x 16 grid (instead of the normal 9 x 9 grid), 4 x 4 sub-grids (instead of the 3 x 3 sub-grids), and 256 cells. In addition, the mechanics are now different. In a standard Sudoku puzzle, you will only be placing the numbers 1 to 9 for the remaining unfilled cells. In a Monster Sudoku, you will now place numbers form 1 to 16 and letters from A to F in each cell, column, row, and 4 x 4 sub-grids. However, the same rules as the classic Sudoku game still apply on the Monster Sudoku.

• Kids Sudoku- it is a puzzle designed for kids of age above seven years old to develop their logic skills and at the same time having fun solving the puzzle. This type of puzzle is very easy compared to the intermediate Sudoku puzzle.

• Squiggly Sudoku- the same mechanics and rules as the classic Sudoku puzzle still apply in this game. The only difference is instead of a grid, it is now divided into 9 different shapes.

Aside from individual Sudoku puzzles, there are also free printable Sudoku books on the Web. It contains at least 25 puzzles per book which is classified as easy and medium difficulty puzzles. These free printable Sudoku books are in PDF format so you need to have Acrobat Reader software in your personal computer.

Test your logic and number skills now and start printing hard copies of Sudoku puzzles for you and other family members.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Play Sudoku Online on these 5 great Sudoku Websites!

Sudoku is an abbreviation of the Japanese phrase “Suuji wa dokushin ni kagiru”, which means “the digits must remain single”. Sudoku was designed by Howard Garnes, a 74–year old architect and freelance puzzle maker, and was first published in 1979 in a New York puzzle magazine, Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games. It was first entitled as Number Place.

Japanese paper Monthly Nikolist first printed Number Place on April 1984 as “Suuji wa dokushin ni kagiru”, as named by Kaji Maki, the president of the Nikoli company. To this day, Nikoli holds the copyright to the name Sudoku. Other publications use other names for Sudoku.

Sudoku is played on a 9X9 grid, with 3x3 subgrids referred to as regions, boxes, blocks, or even quadrants. In each box, some cells already have numbers, called given, or clues. A player has to place a number in each of the empty squares of the box in such a way that the box contains the numbers 1 to 9 exactly once.

Take note that each puzzle has only one valid solution.

Sudoku has successfully invaded publications all over the world, from newspapers to puzzle books. Now, you can play Sudoku even on your computer or mobile phone! Online versions of Sudoku can be found almost everywhere on the Internet, complete with random puzzles, solving tips, and even different downloadable versions of the game itself! The following are just some of the websites that offer you a chance to play the addictive number puzzle game, Sudoku.


This site lets you play Sudoku on 4 different levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Evil (obviously the VERY DIFFICULT level). A randomly generated puzzle from billions of puzzles will be presented to players every time the site is first accessed. You can choose your level of play and have the site generate a different puzzle. A clicking a button allows you to see how well you have solved the current puzzle. Each row or column that has wrong inputted numbers will be highlighted red. You can even download PC and mobile phone versions of the game here! Plus lots of other helpful Sudoku stuff can be found here.


You can play Sudoku online here. Choose from 4 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Supreme. You can save or load a specific puzzle that you have played here. For those who love to create puzzles, or want to try making one, this site allows you to do that. You can download the Pocket PC free trial version, or the full version for $11.95. The site also has a desktop PC version of Sudoku, which has a free trial version, and the $14.95 full version.

This site has a variation of Sudoku, named Sudoku Sniper. This version allows you to play against another human as both of you try to solve a puzzle simultaneously. You can download the trial version for free, or the Pocket PC full version for $11.95.


Even the most popular website of mini–games offers its patrons and other players it’s own version of Sudoku. This online version has cute, smooth graphics. You can place the numbers on the empty squares using the mouse, or the numberpad on your keyboard. You can even discuss anything about the game on’s forums page. You can even print a simple black and white copy of the puzzle you are playing! Miniclip offers help on the game, and lets you post your score on the online scoreboard to see how you well you did compared to other gamers.


This website also offers a simple graphical version of Sudoku that you should play online. Click and hold the mouse button on an empty square, select the number you want to place, and release the button. If the number is wrong, the square will be red. If the number you’ve selected should be placed on nearby squares, the game will automatically load them. The keyboard can also be used to play this game. Playing tips are offered here. A new puzzle is generated daily, and the solution to the previous day’s puzzle can be seen the next day. You can see your score on the online leaderboard.


This site is a SPEED SITE! A random puzzle is generated everyday. Players, registered or not, can try and solve the puzzle at the fastest time possible. Solve the puzzle using your mouse and keyboard, enter any name, and submit your solution. The site will tell you if your solution is wrong. The puzzle will be changed once 7 players were able to solve the current puzzle. Results as to the fastest times will not be posted until the puzzle has been solved by 7 people so the excitement and tension here is high! Tons of Sudoku stuff are also available here, particularly for registered users. Registration is free so check this out.

There are tons of sites that will let you play Sudoku online. Feel free to browse the web. For now, these 5 sites will give your HOURS of Sudoku playing time and LOTS of SUDOKU resources. Enjoy yourself and good luck!